2018. A new year & new cushions

Cushion covers by Maree -The mad seamstress’s of MoGirl DESIGNS
Cushion covers by Maree -The mad seamstress’s of MoGirl DESIGNS

I have been trying for days to work out where to start with my blog for 2018 as last year was such an none event with it and for days I have been struggling as where to start.

My mums health wasn’t great last year and two trips home to Australia always seems to take a chunk out of my year and then in September I just did a runner and went to Australia until mid December.

Things have been a little odd since then and I think no matter how much you are kind of expecting something the loss of a parent is always a little strange.  You some how move on with life, but then it all starts to feel odd when the day to day stuff that you would share with your mum- well…..she is no longer there to share this stuff with and who do you tell… it hits you. She’s no longer there.

We all have to deal with it at some point in our life and I guess we bluff our way through it and I know my mum would say.. life carry’s on and move on.

So what seems like months of living in some alternate universe- I haven’t been to the day job since the end of August – I have blood pressure so high, that it’s best that I go back in a couple of days and we try again, food is just something that I eat as it’s midday and I should really eat something, as one cannot and should not, live off caffeine alone and my only social contact, is with the hermies delivery lady as I keep internet shopping, to pass the time until my husband gets home and I can moan at him.

My doctor says I should do stuff that I enjoy and get out into the fresh air and do some exercise. (I guess that means running down stairs to open the front door to the hermies lady isn’t fresh air or exercise….)

So here I am trying to start my blog off for 2018.

Writting is something I do enjoy and never do enough of and it seems odd just to burst into cushions after being away for so long.

However with having spent hours lying in bed drinking coffee, crusing the internet – or more importantly eBay searching for some fabric bargains for my Etsy shop between Christmas and New year (another strange alternate universe), I did have what can only be described as a slight budget blow out / impulsive buying spree.

I have never eBay purchased on fabric to such a extreme.

It’s  velvet and silks with an random John Lewis linen.

I have tried to be concise with my purchases knowing that two or three will work togther to create some stunning mini cushion collections. Hopefully some will work with more than just one collection.

Nick- my husband, feels that I have gone over board as most of last years Osborne and Little fabric buy is still unmade up and sitting in there bags as purchased / bought home from Last April’s sale. ‘Perhaps this should have been made up and sold first..’ he offers in a gentle tone as he is well aware of my current state of mind.

My reasoning is most of that are basics- the ebay purchase was focus / drama / statement pieces… you need those to catch ones eye and stand out.

‘Well… yes, that’s fine however can it be made into cushion covers,  listed, photographed and ideally sold and not sit in a nice ‘fabric tower’ wrapped in a towel and Marmalade sound asleep on it.’

It’s not like that is a totally unreasonable request.

So I have made a start.

Custom order your cushion sizes from Maree - The mad seamstress’s of MoGirl DESIGNS in this statement fabric by Harlequin. www.etsy.com/uk/shop/MoGirlDESIGNS
Harlequin Aramis fabric in chocolate and turquoise, cushion collection by Maree -The mad seamstress’s of MoGirl DESIGNS 

Harlequin chocolate and turquoise velvet- mix it with pale plains, statement silks or a fun bolster. I think this would look amazing on a natural linen or cream coloured sofa’s. If we had enough space I would have sofa’s in all colours to take pics of my cushion covers.
